Appalachian Psychoanalytic Society
(a local chapter of Division 39 of the American Psychological Association)
presents an
Online Saturday Morning Seminar
Father Dustin Feddon, PhD
Accompaniment and ambivalence:
How Aspects of Melanie Klein’s Thought Might Guide Us While Working with the Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated
October 3, 2020
Online Via Zoom
Please click here for instructions on using Zoom.
Program Description
This introductory presentation will explore the value of Melanie Klein’s progression from the paranoid-schizoid position to the depressive position for understanding the needs of the formerly incarcerated in their re-entry into society. Fr. Feddon will draw from his experiences among incarcerated individuals, especially those in solitary confinement, to better understand the carceral environment in Florida’s prisons. From there, Fr. Feddon will chronicle the experiences of accompanying the formerly incarcerated in their re-entry into society. These experiences, both in prison and outside, will be framed largely through Kleinian concepts to identify the challenges and possibilities of a more holistic approach to working with the formerly incarcerated.
This program, which addresses issues related to identity stemming from race and socioeconomic status, meets 2.0 hours of the 3.0-hour requirement for psychologists licensed in the state of Tennessee to obtain continuing education that pertains to cultural diversity.
Rev. Dustin R. Feddon, Ph.D. is the Executive Director of Joseph House and is on the faculty of St. John Vianney Seminary in Tallahassee, Florida. He is widely published in Kierkegaard studies and has taught courses in Christian political thought, existentialism, and ethics and moral thought. He has presented to psychological organizations on his work with inmates and those recently released who are trying to re-enter mainstream society, using object-relations concepts to describe the process.
10:00am Welcome and Introduction
10:05am Fr. Freddon's Presentation, Part 1
11:00am Break
11:10am Fr. Freddon's Presentation, Part 2
12:00pm Questions from Participants
12:20pm Complete Evaluations and Adjourn
Learning Objectives
After attending this introductory seminar in full, participants will be able to:
1. Explain the usefulness of Kleinian concepts such as the paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions and also ambivalence and reparation as they relate to the experiences of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals.
2. Apply these concepts to explain the challenges facing those reentering society from prison, particularly in light of systemic racism and socioeconomic obstacles that reinforce a paranoid-schizoid experience of self and world.
This program is open to all APS members. It is not limited to individuals practicing in a predominately psychoanalytic mode. The material will be appropriate for clinicians with introductory levels of experience and knowledge.
Professional and Scholar Members:
Free. Please register online by October 1, 2020.
Early-Career Professional Members:
Free. Please register online by October 1, 2020.
Graduate Student Members:
Free. Please register online by October 1, 2020.
Please join APS in order to participate in 2020-2021 programming.
APS Membership
Eligible professionals can join APS or renew their membership for the 2020-2021 program year for $40. Scholars and Early-Career Professionals can also join/renew for $40. Graduate students may join or renew for $10.
American Psychological Association Approval Statement
Division 39 is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Division 39 maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Continuing Education
This program, when attended in its entirety, is available for 2.0 continuing education credits. With full attendance and completion of an online program Evaluation and Learning Assessment, a certificate will be issued by email. Psychologists will have their participation registered through Division 39.
In order to fulfill licensure requirements, the Rules of the Board of Examiners in Psychology in Tennessee ( state that psychologists must obtain three continuing education hours that pertain to cultural diversity as specifically noted in the title, description of objectives, or curriculum of the presentation, symposium, workshop, seminar, course or activity. Cultural diversity includes aspects of identity stemming from age, disability, gender, race/ethnicity, religious/spiritual orientation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and other cultural dimensions.
This program meets 2.0 hours of the 3.0-hour requirement for psychologists licensed in the state of Tennessee to obtain continuing education that pertains to cultural diversity.
To be eligible for CE credit, please:
Make sure your Zoom name is identifiable. Use the Chat Box to inform program hosts if more than one person is watching via a single Zoom account.
Be present for the entire program.
A link to the program evaluation will be shared with participants via the Chat Box at the end of the presentation while the speaker is answering final questions. Participants will enter their names and email addresses on the evaluation so that APS can distribute certificates via email.
Please complete the evaluation by the conclusion of the morning on October 3.
CE certificates will be emailed following the event.
APS and Division 39 are committed to conducting all activities in conformity with the American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles for Psychologists. APS and Division 39 are also committed to accessibility and non-discrimination in continuing education activities. Participants are asked to be aware of the need for privacy and confidentiality throughout the program. If program content becomes stressful, participants are encouraged to process these feelings during discussion periods.
Selected References/Recommended Reading
Abbot A. Bronstein (2013) Mrs. Klein, the Contemporary Kleinians, and the Drives, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 49: 56-72.
Galatzer-Levy, B. A., & Galatzer-Levy, R. M. (2012). Ordinary Police Interrogation in the United States: The Destruction of Meaning and Persons: A Psychoanalytic-Ethical Investigation. American Imago, 69: 57-106.
Haney, C. (2018). The psychological effects of solitary confinement: A systemic critique. Crime and Justice,47: 365-416.
Rusbridger, R. (2012). Affects in Melanie Klein. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 93:139-150.
Schnittker, J., Massoglia, M., & Uggen, C. (2012). Out and down: Incarceration and psychiatric disorders. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 53: 448-464.
If participants have special needs, we will attempt to accommodate them. Please address requests, questions, concerns and any complaints to APS President Bill MacGillivray, PhD.
There is no commercial support for this program nor are there any relationships between Division 39, APS, presenter, program content, research, grants or other funding sources that could reasonably be construed as conflicts of interest. During the program, the validity/utility of the content and risks/limitations of the approaches discussed will be addressed, as applicable.